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- Naomi Penn
Isn’t It Too Big
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Isn’t It TOO Big!?
This book is devoted to any and all lovers of the lewd, nasty, and bawdy filth that fills our world. Erotica is not a plague or blight upon society – no! It is a wonderland of fantasy and adventure, a place to live out those wanton dreams we try so desperately to keep to ourselves. Set them free and read on!
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Temptation Tales
…for all the naughty tales you can't resist...
The Naughty Stories
Story 1
Story 1
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 8
Story 9
Story 10
Story 11
Story 12
Story 13
Story 14
Story 15
Story 16
Story 17
Story 18
Story 19
Story 20
Story 21
Story 22
Story 23
Story 24
Story 25
Story 26
Story 27
Story 28
Story 29
Story 30
Story 31
Story 32
Story 33
Story 34
Story 35
Story 36
Story 37
Story 38
Story 41
Story 42
Story 43
Story 44
Story 45
Story 46
Story 47
Story 48
Story 49
Story 50
Story 1
“Jeff you forgot your coffee,” Lila called, sticking her head through the kitchen door to yell after her brother as he raced for his car heedless of the tiny drops of rain falling on him.
“I don’t have time for coffee. I’ll catch one at the office,” he yelled back as he jumped into his dusty, old Subaru and slammed its rickety door shut.
Lila threw up her hands in exasperation as she sauntered back into the kitchen and shut the door behind her. Jeff was always in a hurry these days; ever since he got that cursed job as a glorified errand boy at McPhersons’ Bulls he never had time to be… well, human. His boss practically worked him into the ground not to mention the crappy, ice-cold treatment Jeff sometimes complained about. He had stopped complaining though after Lisa had threatened to
Sometimes when she put breakfast in front of him, he practically inhaled it! He ate so fast his hands were always a blur.
“I have just one brother in the world! That McPherson fella had better ease up on him,” she hissed to no one in particular as she lifted the coffee cup to her lips and let its warmth slide down her throat and spread through her.
A tinge of guilt spread through her along with the coffee. Jeff had had nothing to eat and drink because he was running late and here she was stuffing her face.
The coffee became almost bitter in her mouth from all the guilt and she dumped its contents into the sink.
“It’s a good thing I work for myself and set my own hours, or else I’d probably be hopping into the rain without breakfast too,” Lila murmured to herself absently as she popped some nuts into her mouth and headed to her bedroom.
She stripped off her short nightdress and grabbed a hair brush. As she ran it through her short blond hair, Lila turned this way and that in front of the mirror, examining her naked frame.
At twenty-five, she had a good body if she did say so herself. She was a fitness instructor and owner of a gym; her body was her greatest advert.
She was slim all over, with cheeks that glowed with ruddy good health, cobalt eyes with an interesting slant that made her face seem exotic. She had baby soft smooth skin, size 36D breasts which were high and full and practically begged to be suckled, and she had legs which were so long that they seemed to go on for miles and miles.
Pleased with what she saw, Lila turned to the side to admire her buttocks. They too, like her breasts, were round, firm, high and soft. Experimentally, she extended a hand and squeezed one butt-cheek. Just like that, a fizzle of heat shot through her from her buttocks straight through her body and in seconds, she felt that frisson of awareness in her pussy. Startled, she snatched back her hand and looked around as though expecting to see someone watching.
She laughed at herself. She touched one breast and moaned, sighed with need. It has been so long since a man touched her. She was practically turning into a grandmother, she thought to herself shakily.
Slowly she dipped one hand between the folds of her pussy and began to stroke her clitoris. She met her own gaze in the mirror and groaned at the pure heat in her gaze. She was late for work; did she really want to make love to herself right now?
Lila dipped two fingers into her pussy even as her eyes drifted close in pleasure. She began to twist and roll her hips as she felt the fire of pleasure all over her from head to toe.
She moaned louder as she increased the tempo of her thrusts and grinding and soon she was quivering and grunting as the dam burst and she began to peak and tremble with ecstasy.
Few minutes later, she slammed out of the house. The rain had picked up a bit and Lila sighed as she shook out her shoulder length-blonde hair and felt some droplets fall onto her shoulders. Her hairdresser never let her hear the end of it if she got her hair wet; something about hair products wasting away.
She carefully navigated the driveway, pulling her equally rusty old pickup truck into the street. Barely a block away she frowned at the familiar-looking Subaru parked onto the shoulder with the bonnet up.
There was Jeff bending over the engine, his handsome features wreathed in a frown of pure helpless frustration.
He looked up when she called his name and relief dawned across his taut features. He slammed down the hood of his car, grabbed his files from the back seat and hustled into Lila’s car.
“You called someone?” Lila asked.
“They’re on their way,” Jeff said his gaze fixed worriedly on the street as though he could somehow make it shorter by sheer force of will. “Could you dri—”
“Drive faster? Come on Jeff I’m borderline. One little foot pressure and I’m over the speed limit,” Lila scoffed.
“You think you’re late now, wait until we get pulled over,” she told him impatiently.
“You’re right but my boss—” he began.
“Your boss can take a chill pill. For that matter so should you,” she murmured.
Jeff lapsed into worried silence and Lila felt her heart squeeze anew in her chest. She hated Ty McPherson even though she had never met the man. In a mere three months of working with him Jeff had been reduced into a worrywart; always afraid to so much as breath lest he incurred the wrath of the Great Ty.
Jeff had always been the sort of person who wanted to please everyone and now he was trapped in the clutches of a megalomaniac, forever jumping through hoops to keep Ty McPherson happy. All her protective instincts reared to the forefront but she deliberately tried to tamp it down; Jeff would freak if she confronted his boss. Plus, he really seemed to love his job which was a total mystery given how miserable he was.
They pulled up to McPherson’s Bulls just then and Jeff catapulted out of the car in such inhuman haste he didn’t even manage to finish shouting ‘Goodbye’ before he was through the front doors.
With a sigh, Lila pulled away and beg
an to drive off when she noticed the pager lying on the floor of the front passenger seat.
Great, Jeff had forgotten his pager. She had to give it to him or he would worry himself sick when he discovered it was gone.
She picked it up and stroked it thoughtfully. If Jeff didn’t have his pager today then he couldn’t be at Ty’s beck and call. She tossed it onto the seat beside her.
But as she started to drive off again, she imagined poor Jeff beside himself because he thought he had misplaced company property and she just couldn’t do it to him.
She would return the pager, she decided. Jeff was a big boy. If he didn’t want to be at Ty’s beck and call anymore he would just have to leave on his own. He didn’t need her protecting him like she had been doing since they were kids.
Who knew, perhaps if she had let him take a few punches and roll in the dirt with other kids his age he might not have had this excessively laid-back, mealy-mouthed approach to life.
“Jeff LaHaye?” Lila demanded at the reception.
The receptionist lifted her head slowly, her face white as she demanded through seemingly bloodless lips, “You are?”
“His sister,” Lila said.
The woman’s head bobbed in understanding. “He’s through there talking to the boss. He would be out shortly.”
Lila nodded her thanks and plunged onto a cushion to wait.
McPherson’s Bulls did the most unlikely business ever: they ran a casino. You would think that given the almost puritanical nature of the locals in the sleepy little town of Gladan Heights, they would be out of business but the constant crowd was testament otherwise. People seemed to be forever pouring through their doors every time she drove past and it was only relatively calm now because it was morning.
She looked at her watch. She ran a beauty spa and gym just off Mainstreet and it was heading on to 9am. True her two assistants were going to be there but she needed to get a move on—
Lila sprang to her feet impatiently and strode confidently towards the receptionist, “Listen can you take a message? Jeff is taking his sweet time.”
The receptionist opened her mouth to respond just as an angry voice yelled from behind the closed door, “Like hell I will! I have a good mind to take you out back and shoot you like a sick dog!”
Lila gaped in incensed disbelief at the shut door. Was that McPherson? Was he talking to her brother like that?
Before she quite knew what she was doing she was marching straight for the door despite frantic calls by the receptionist.
She grabbed the door handle, twisted and flung it open leaving her standing in the doorway like an avenging angel who was all of five feet four.
“You have no right to speak to my brother that way!”
Startled silence fell across the room and every head whipped in her direction.
She counted four men and a woman, Jeff included. One of the men was seated behind a huge, sprawling desk, his feet crossed at the ankles on his desk. He was obviously Ty McPherson.
“Who are you?” Ty demanded silkily in a deceptively soft voice.
“Lila LaHaye!” she spat trying to still the wild jumping of her pulse.
She couldn’t see his expression because the room was cast half in shadows and his entire face was in shadows but even from the distance she could sense that something about the name made his lips quirk. She felt his eyes, hot as a laser as it roamed up and down her length and she fought the ridiculous urge to flush.
“Lila? Don’t!” Jeff warned.
She ignored him. “Where do you get off talking to my brother like that?”
“He’s my PA,” Ty said as though that summed up his justification.
“I have a PA too and I don’t talk to her anywhere as horribly as you talk to my brother. Cut it out!”
This time she was definitely not imagining the amusement in his voice as he unfolded his long legs from the desk and dropped them onto the floor before rising to tower to his full height.
“You have a PA?” he demanded.
She glared. His meaning was clear. He probably thought she was too insignificant to live never mind having a PA. Okay so Chloe wasn’t technically a PA but the dratted man didn’t have to seem so incredulous!
“Stay away from my brother and stop trying to make him feel …”
Her voice drifted off as Ty came around the desk, heading straight for her. Boy, the man was drop-dead gorgeous! He was slightly over six-foot tall with shoulders so broad they seemed a mile wide; he had a broad chest that made one dream of resting one’s cheek against it, and incredibly flat washboard abs that tapered off into his pants. He had a tawny mane of slicked-back hair that stopped just at the base of his neck. His nose was straight and aquiline and lent a stamp of arrogance to his chiseled features. His cheekbones were high and firm and should have looked ridiculous on a man but somehow they lent an air of mystery to his appearance. His eyes were cool and grey and his lips were so pink they seemed moist and kissable.
Kissable? Really Lila where had that thought come from, she wondered in slight irritation at herself.
She was still pissed as hell at the twerp and yet she stopped to take a detour and check out his lips?
“Leave us,” he ordered quietly, staring straight at her.
Lila was prepared to laugh right in his face, thinking he was talking to her. She realized he wasn’t when everyone else in the room suddenly jumped up and scampered for the door — Jeff included.
He walked closer and she sucked in a sudden breath from the unexpected shock of heat that poured from him. How could one man generate so much heat, she wondered even as her nipples budded into hard points as though they had been exposed to cold. How could he make her feel hot and cold at the same time, she wondered steeling herself not to take a quick step back. If she did anything of that sort, he would see it as a weakness and swoop in for the kill. She might not have met Ty until now but his reputation preceded him: he was a shark. He sniffed out weakness a mile away and he went in for the kill at once.
“You were saying I made who feel what?” he demanded coming ever closer.
Lila sucked in a breath. She could hardly breathe. Ty seemed to have sucked all the oxygen from the room! And what was he yapping about feelings? Had he read her mind?
Her brain sluggishly tried to trace their train of conversation.
Finally she recalled it and she glared up at him, “Why have you been bullying Jeff?”
“I am not a bully. Your brother is one of those people who have to be told what to do every single damn minute!”
Lila swallowed down her knee-jerk response. “And I suppose it hasn’t occurred to you that he has a brain between his ears that works just fine! You don’t have to talk to him like he’s some dumb kid.”
“No one talks to me the way you do!” he growled, coming even closer until she could feel his hard chest against hers. “They don’t dare.”
Lila rolled her eyes at him. “Trust me they talk to you worse than I do; they probably just do it only on the inside.”
He frowned, “What the hell does that mean?”
“No one likes you! Everyone thinks you’re mean and evil. If you were on fire today not one of your employees would spit on you to save your life! I don’t know how else I can put this to make you get it!”
“Stop talking,” he growled warningly.
“Why? Does it hurt to hear what us small people really think of you?” she taunted.
Silence. He stared straight into her eyes holding her gaze and saying absolutely nothing.
Incredibly, Lila felt a curl of desire unfurl inside of her and she gasped and took a quick step back.
Knowledge kindled in Ty’s gaze, “I suggest you leave now Lila.”
She swallowed nervously and took some more steps back, putting much needed distance between both of them.
“Watch how you talk to my brother,” she whispered the parting shot and turned around.
And if I don’t?” he asked silkily.
She stopped, turned and looked straight at him, “Remember this MacPherson, you don’t wanna cross me.”
Then she turned and slammed from the room.
Lila’s hands shook slightly as she headed for where she had parked her truck, trying to fend off the unwanted wave of attraction that has taken her in its grip after few seconds in the company of what had to be the most handsome man the world had ever seen.
She was almost standing on the exact spot when she realized her truck had vanished. She looked around wildly wondering if her eyes could be playing tricks on her. Where was her truck?
It couldn’t have been stolen could it?
She spied a security guy giving her the once-over and she pointed at the empty spot that had her truck few minutes ago. “Hey! Where’s my truck?”
“You the owner of that beat-up old thing?” he called, swaggering closer, both hands hooked in his belt hoops.
“That ‘beat-up old thing’ is my life! Now where is it?” Lila barked.
“Talk to the boss. He had it towed. It was in his spot!”
The boss could only mean that six-foot plus male package who managed to annoy the hell out of her every time he opened his mouth.
Without a word she turned and marched back through the doors she had just exited with murder in her eyes.
“No ma’am you can’t—” the receptionist began.
Lila didn’t even spare her a glance as she slammed into Ty’s office. “Where the hell do you get off towing my truck?”
He was standing at the window but he had turned around when he heard her slam in. “Don’t tell me a classy chick like you drives that piece of crap!”
“It’s my piece of crap, you arrogant twerp! Now where is it?” she shouted, so angry she could spit.
“Why do you always seem so angry every time I see you?” he demanded softly, walking up to her, his gaze unnervingly fixed on her.
“I’ve never been accused of having an anger problem until I met you! Do the math!”