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Isn’t It Too Big Page 17

  Sabrina stood in the doorway just looking at him. What did he want her to do? She walked over toward him and he grabbed her and placed her over his knee.


  “You will listen to me and follow what I need you to do in this office. Do you understand?”

  Dr. Stone waited for Sabrina to answer and when she didn’t he let his hand move swiftly to her behind.

  Sabrina yelled out in pain. But she did not answer him. So he moved his hand swiftly and swatted her again.

  “Yes. Yes, I will follow directions.”

  “You will not hesitate no matter what task I give you. Do you understand?”

  Again Sabrina sat quietly, she didn’t want to agree to any task. He could make her clean the floors or something gross like that.

  Another hand moved swiftly toward her behind and Sabrina screamed out in pain again. But this time she realized the pleasure she received from having his hands on her body. Sabrina had never imagined she would lust after such an older man. But Dr. Robert Stone wasn’t really an ordinary man. He was a strong-willed and power wheeling doctor, who apparently liked people to do what they were told.

  Another swift swat since Sabrina had not responded.

  “Yes, Dr. Stone. Yes.”

  Robert held his hand over Sabrina’s behind as he soaked in the sensual nature of how she had just responded. Her voice did not seem troubled or stressed by his swats. Instead, Sabrina seemed to be enjoying this.

  “I hope this will not have to happen again. Just listen to me tomorrow.” Dr. Stone helped Sabrina to her feet.

  Standing in such close proximity to her made him realize how heavy her breathing was. Her face was flush and she looked at Robert with a desire that he had not seen from a woman in a very long time.

  Working every day of the week and not having an assistant for a long time, Robert had become used to being alone. But Sabrina was a distraction for him. Her young body moved through his office with a sway back and forth. He watched her hips move as she walked out of his office and down the hall.

  Instantly his desires were ignited. She was a strong-willed girl though and Robert needed to break her of that if he was ever going to have her be his.

  The next morning when Sabrina arrived at work she quickly cleaned the room that the doctor had told her too. She didn’t want to purposely be rude to the doctor the day before, but she was very tired.

  Today she intended to follow his orders.

  Again patient after patient arrived to see the doctor. He went from one patient to quickly seeing another. He barked orders at Sabrina and never said please or thank-you. It was rude to Sabrina that he could be so insistent on her following his every request, but he couldn’t be just a little nice to her?

  She waited until the night was finished and they were locking up.

  “I know we are busy and I am trying my best. But could you please try not to yell at me while we are working. It makes me nervous.”

  Sabrina looked down after she said this. She hoped he wouldn’t yell at her.

  Instead of saying anything he lifted her chin up and met her lips with his. Sabrina was shocked at first, but she didn’t pull away.

  When he was done killing her Sabrina wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what to say. His lips had been so soft. They had made her whole body come to life.

  “Yes, I will be kinder,” Dr. Stone said to her.

  When Sabrina got back to her room, she couldn’t stand it. Her heart was pounding and she felt like it was going to explode right out of her. He kissed her!

  Dr. Robert Stone, by far one of the sexiest men she had ever laid eyes on…kissed her.

  Sabrina lay in bed away for almost the whole night. At first she just remembered the kiss and the way his lips felt on her lips. But then she remembered how it had felt for him to spank her. He seemed to enjoy it. His hits to her bottom seemed to calm him in a certain way.

  She bit her lip as she remembered the sting of his swat. Sabrina could still feel his muscular hand linger on her bottom before he lifted it up again. She wanted to feel his hands on her body again.


  The day started out relatively slow. Sabrina had become accustomed to working hard and it was a good relief to be able to sit down for a little bit and not have to worry about some sort of work not getting done.

  She did try to stay busy cleaning up the front area and her desk. She organized papers, swept the floor and labeled a new supply of medications that had come in by train earlier in the morning.

  By lunch time, Sabrina was missing the orders that Dr. Stone would normally be barking at her. She went to his office to see if he needed anything.

  He seemed distracted by his work so Sabrina just went around his office and tried to organize it and clean up a bit. There was dust an inch thick on his bookcase so she walked behind his desk to clean it off.

  Before she had known what was happening Dr. Stone had grabbed her and threw her onto his desk.

  “Did I ask you to clean that shelve?”

  “No sir,” Sabrina answered.

  He had a look of desire on his face, but his voice sounded mad.

  “Did I say it was alright to even be in my office?”

  “No, sir,”

  “I think I need to punish you so you remember the rules.”

  “Yes sir,” Sabrina couldn’t help but let a small smile out.

  But before their interaction could go any further, there was a noise at the front door.

  “Help, my wife is not well.” A man said as he helped his wife into the office and brought her straight back to the exam table.

  “How far along is she?” Dr. Stone asked as he got his supplies out to listen to the heartbeat of the baby.

  “She is about eight months. Her pains started last night, we thought she would have the child today. But her pain is not getting closer together, just more painful.”

  “Sabrina, get me some sterile water and a scalpel.”

  Sabrina ran to the back room and got the doctor the supplies he needed. She brought the husband out to the main room so the doctor could work.

  The woman was very ill and the baby was in distress. The doctor worked hard to try and make her more comfortable, but the pain was unbearable. Finally, he administered some morphine to help her.

  “Sir, we need to take the baby out now. I am going to cut into her abdomen to remove the child. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” The man said.

  Sabrina realized at that moment, Dr. Stone didn’t just said that to her. It was how he interacted with people. He knew they heard him and understood if they answered yes to him.

  They worked diligently as the doctor put the woman to sleep with some medication. Sabrina stood next to him and handed him the tools he needed to open her up and get the baby out.

  “Scalpel please,” Dr. Stone said as he held out his hand.

  The doctor moved with precision and quickly. Within moments, the baby was out and he handed the boy to Sabrina.

  Sabrina moved to a small table and cleaned the boy off. He was crying and seemed very healthy. She brought him out to his father to hold while she helped the doctor with closing up the woman’s stomach.

  “She has lost a lot of blood and may not make it. We will be able to tell if she comes awake soon.”

  They sat there together waiting for the woman to wake up.

  “Dr. Stone, you were amazing today. You saved that baby.”

  “Call me Robert, Sabrina. And let’s save the amazing words until the baby’s mother wakes up.”

  It was almost midnight when the woman started to wake up from her sleep. Robert, Sabrina, and the woman’s husband were all there waiting to greet her. So was her new baby boy.

  The woman was too weak to be moved so the husband stayed with her. Sabrina brought in a small bassinet and some supplies for the baby.

  “Is it alright if I head home for the night?” Sabrina asked Robert as she gathered her things.

>   “Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Robert looked like he was going to explode. He was bouncing his leg up and down under his desk so loud that Sabrina could hear it from the doorway. His face was flush and he didn’t look well at all.

  “I hope you don’t mind me asking but are you alright?”

  “I don’t know. I feel so pent up. So overworked and exhausted.”

  “You need to relax. Is there anything I can do?”

  Robert knew what would relax him. He knew exactly what would work, but would Sabrina be the woman who could help him?

  “Come with me to my house.”

  “What? Why? How would that help you?”

  “If you can just trust me, I want you to come with me to my house.”

  Sabrina did trust him. For all his yelling and bossiness, she did feel like Robert was a kind man who gave everything he had to others. He gave of all his time. He gave of all his energy. He surely deserved to relax.

  “Yes. I’ll go with you.”


  Robert helped Sabrina up onto his horse and they made their way to his home. He moved quickly to start some oil lamps so they could see and he put some logs on the wood stove to heat up the house a little.

  “Ok, so how can I help?” Sabrina asked as she looked around his small two-room home.

  “Remember the other night when I spanked you?”


  “Let me do that again.”

  Sabrina stood there pondering the idea. She didn’t have to think long though.


  Instantly Robert was standing in front of Sabrina and started to unbutton her dress. He didn’t just want to spank her bottom. He wanted to feel her bare skin under his hand. Robert wanted to feel his skin slap hard against hers and hear the moans that would come from her.

  “If it is too hard, you tell me. If you want me to stop, you tell me. Understand?”


  Soon Sabrina was standing naked for Robert to see. He looked from her breasts down to the rest of her body. Her perfectly formed body was more than he could have ever imagined. Having Sabrina with him was the perfect end to any day.

  Robert grabbed Sabrina by the hand and laid her over his legs. Her delicate skin felt like heaven against his hands. He rubbed her backside and let his fingers move all over her. Dipping in a feeling her wetness which excited him even more.

  He pulled his hand up and let it release with a mild slap to her butt. She moaned and arched her back and that made Robert want to do it again.

  He slapped her again and again on the ass. Watching her skin welt up slightly and turn read.

  Robert waited for Sabrina to tell him to stop. He gladly would stop at her command. But she did not. She appeared to be enjoying this just as much as he was.

  A third and a fourth hit landed on her rear. Sabrina breathed in and then let the breath out with a moan.

  Robert could feel his body engorged with desire for Sabrina. He wanted to have all of her. He wanted to taste her body, feel his body inside of her. It was more than he could take.

  Robert helped Sabrina stand and then he pulled her back down on his body. This time her naked legs straddled him and her bare breasts were directly near his face. He grabbed a hold of one of her nipples and pulled it in tightly to his mouth.

  He pulled with force and strength which caused Sabrina to cry out. She cried out in pain at first, but then it quickly turned to pleasure. She liked the feeling of pain and pleasure together. It felt delightful and she didn’t want it to stop.

  Robert moved his mouth hard as he pulled her nipple again. But this time Sabrina was prepared for this. She moaned but didn’t cry out in pain this time.

  Sabrina let her lips move to Robert’s neck. She pressed him to bring his lips away from her nipple and up to her mouth, but he wouldn’t.

  Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her tight against him. With his mouth still locked tightly around her nipple, Robert carried her to his bed.

  He threw her only the bed roughly and went to work taking off his clothes. Within moments, Robert stood there naked and full of excitement to be with Sabrina.

  Robert flipped Sabrina over and lay on the bed next to her. He let his hand rub the red area of her behind as he pulled it back again and landed a hard lap to her again. She didn’t scream out. Instead, just laying there and moving her body with a sensual desire.

  Robert liked to hear her scream, but screams of pleasure and a little bit of pain. He wanted to hear it again and again.

  Sabrina moved up onto her knees and let her behind stick up in the air. She was taunting him to hit her again.

  “As hard as you want. I can take it.” Sabrina said as she shook her butt.


  Robert didn’t wait for her to say it again.

  He came up behind Sabrina and let his body feel hers. Her naked body coaxing him to be inside of her.

  Robert let his hard body slide into Sabrina, slowly.

  She let out a moan that he had never heard before. It was a combination of pain, pleasure and desire.

  Robert began thrusting deep inside of Sabrina and just as he did that he used his hand to deliver a huge swat to her.

  She moaned with pleasure.

  “Yes,” Sabrina said.

  Robert continued to thrust harder and harder inside of Sabrina. He had to get all his frustrations out. He was exhausted from work. Tired of having so much to do and not enough time to do it.

  “Harder,” She said.

  When he heard this, Robert let all of his energy release. He grabbed a hold of Sabrina’s naked hips and help them tight against him as he thrust into her. Sabrina’s moans were loud and drove Robert to thrust harder.

  Sabrina wanted this feeling to last forever. His pain also brought pleasure that she couldn’t ignore. She felt like her entire body wanted to explode.

  When his hand made contact with her, it sends electricity throughout her body. She instantly wanted more. Sabrina wanted to feel what Robert’s excitement felt like. She wanted to bring him to the brink of nothing he had ever had before.

  Their bodies began to sweat as they worked hard against each other. Robert thrusting into Sabrina as she pressed back hard against his body.

  Robert brought his hand back behind his head as he continued to thrust. He felt his body getting ready to explode so he let loose with another quick hit to her bottom. Then another and another until Robert let one final thrust into Sabrina.

  She screamed out in pain but never asked Robert to stop. Sabrina liked how Robert’s body felt inside of her. She could have him there with her forever if he would have her. The chemistry between them was enthralling and Sabrina didn’t care at all about his age.

  Robert didn’t stop his thrusting after he had finished with his own pleasure. Instead he reached down and grabbed Sabrina by the long blonde hair. He pulled her hair tightly behind her with his hand and lifted her head back

  This position was delightful and Robert felt himself getting fully excited again. His body felt so much pleasure just being near Sabrina. Being inside of her made that pleasure even more. He held her hair tight as he began to thrust hard again. Trying to cause her pain, not the kind of pain that she would not like, but instead the pain that would drive Sabrina to a new level of pleasure.

  Soon Sabrina’s body was almost fully upright and Robert stayed behind her and inside of her. He held her shoulders and he thrust hard. Then reached around and grabbed her breasts tightly as he moved her whole body with the grip of his hands on her breasts.

  For a moment, Sabrina almost screamed for Robert to stop. She felt her body growing tired and the pain wearing on her. But the pleasure she had was so much that she couldn’t bring herself to make it stop. She wanted more, she wanted Robert to be hers all night long.

  “I want to see you explode with satisfaction,” Robert said to Sabrina when he saw her body getting tired.

  Sabrina closed her eyes and imagined the
pleasure building. She wanted it to last forever but knew that it was impossible.

  Soon she did feel a buildup of pleasure though; it started in her abdomen and grew quickly. Soon she couldn’t take it anymore and let out a loud scream with delight. Her body collapsed with exhaustion to the bed and Robert collapsed with her.